
How Is IPL Laser Used For Treating MGD-

Intense pulsed light (IPL) technology is a scientifically- accepted technique of addressing various conditions affecting the skin, such as vascular lesions, pigmented lesions, rosacea, sunlight damage, and acne, as well as for removing unwanted hair. IPL equipment entered the market for the first time in 1994, marketed predominantly to dermatological purposes ダウン モンクレール. They are sometimes referred to as lasers. But they are actually different from lasers because the light comes from a powerful, high-energy flashlamp that delivers light of different wavelengths (which means they are of many colours). True have a medium that generates|are designed to project light of uniform wavelength (which means only one colour). IPL light wavelengths are in the 420-1200 nanometre (nm) range. The therapist can eliminate shorter wavelengths by attaching varied cut-off filters. Wavelengths can be chosen according to the depth of the target tissue モンクレール. The light is delivered either as a single pulse or in divided mini-pulses interrupted by short intervals to to prevent excessive heat from building up and damaging the skin as light strikes the tissue. The capability to create heat on target tissues created opportunities for employing IPL equipment to care for meibomian gland dysfunction (alternatively known as MGD, meibomitis, and posterior blepharitis). In 2002-2003, IPL technology was used to treat MGD for the first time. MGD is a principal cause. MGD comes from a variety of causes, making it a very complicated disease to treat. But it typically involves inflammation of the meibomian, or oil-secreting モンクレール ダウン, glands in the eyelids when gland openings at the lid margin are clogged by secretions that are too thick or have congealed. The dysfunction induces the meibomian glands to secrete an excess of oil, inadequate oil モンクレール, or oil that is too viscous or of abnormal quality. As a result, the tear film gets unstable and tears are lost too quickly from the eye surface moncler, producing the burning, itching, gritty sensations and other symptoms of dry eye. In IPL laser treatment for MGD, specific wavelengths of light (500-800 nm) are chosen to induce heat on the skin of the lower eyelids モンクレール ダウン. The very thin blood vessels just under the epidermis absorb the light and as heat builds up, the thickened secretions of the meibomian glands begin to melt and the glands open up. The doctor then expresses the glands to remove all the troublesome secretions. The heat also eliminates skin and eyelid microbes, such as parasites and bacteria that can aggravate MGD. In effect, the IPL device functions as a high-tech rendition of the traditional warm compress. Generally モンクレール ダウン, only the glands in the lower eyelids are treated. There is enough heat induced for capillaries to convey from the lower to the upper meibomian glands. The warming benefit thus rubs off on them indirectly moncler moncler ダウン, also causing them to expand and allowing gland expression to be done. The IPL intervention helps equalise the quantity and composition of the meibomian gland secretions, giving relief from dry eye symptoms. IPL therapy may need three or four sessions, spaced over four months. Once secretions become less viscous and the glands start working normally, the doctor may schedule maintenance sessions once or twice a year モンクレール ダウン.
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